Course curriculum
CRO- Just uno- 13th feb
CRO- Just Uno- live chat-whatsapp chat-15th feb
CRO- Dynamic content personalisation-16th feb
email-marketing-part 1-seninblue-20th feb
email marketing automation part 2 - sendin blue birthday automation, website activity automation: 21st feb
email marketing automation part 3-sendinblue: email acitivity - 21st feb
SEO- on page basics and fundamental (Important)- 24th feb - understanding page intent - orphan and wired pages
SEO- page template-content structure- 27th Feb
SEO content strategy- curation- recreation-part 2 28th feb
seo implementation-keyword reasearch -2nd march
seo implementation-page title-meta description- 2nd march
seo on page implementation- part 1- 3rd march
seo-onpage-implementation-recap 6th march
seo on page page load time 6th march
seo-robotstxt file-6th march
seo-canonical tag - 6th march
multilingual-multiregional- seo-9th march
seo off page fundamentals- 10th march
seo off page- part 2- 14th march
google searchg console installation- 15th march
google search console - interpretation- 15th march
seo audit 16th march
seo- schema data highlighter tool 16th march
paid advertisement fundamental terminologies
Fundamental Understanding of Discount, Cashback,Wallet,Loyalty Points,Coupons, Addon Products, Third Party Subsidisation as means to increase CRO (Important) 20th march
google ads introduction- mcc - account understanding-21st march
google ads -keywords and ad copy 23rd March
google ads bidding strategy-24th march
google ads- ad scheduling- 27th march
google ads campaign creation- using keyword planner- 27th march
google ad campaign creation steps-28th march
multiple campaign copy- 31st march
google ads-campaign strategy-account strategy-multiple campaigns 31st march
google ads bulk editing 3rd april
bulk editing-age-gender-ad copies in multiple adgroups 4th april
dynamic keuyword insertion- countdown ads 6th april
understanding impression share metrics-keyword bid automation 10th april
creating A-B testing in google adwords campaigns- 12th april
url treacking understanding part 1 - 13th april
Ulr tracking- Part 2 - 14th april (very important)
caputring data from url in forms- 14th april
dynamic search ad creation 17th april
display ads- keyword targeting-placement targeting-17th april
display ads-part 1- 19th april
remarketring -concept-19th april
display ads -custom segment-19th april
remarketing list creation - 20th april
remarketing-bid strategy- 21st april
video campaigns- 21st april
RLSA(remarketing list for search ads)- 24th april
RLSA- campaign implementation 24th april
search campaign- exactly clicked keywords and negative keyword addition 24th april
conversion tracking setup- 25th april
Understanding Marketing Funnel Fundamentals-27th
Marketing Funnel more explained-28th april
fb-page setup-settings-chat messenger 28th april
fb ads bid strategy -2nd may -20023
fb ads bid strategy- part 2 - 4th may
download- fb ads bid strategy (xl file)- 2nd may 2023
bid control and understanding cost per result - facebook strategy 5th may
facebook bidding strategy explained 5th may
facebook ads - part 1 (location) 5th may
facebook ads- targeting part 1- 8th may
facebook ads- narrow down targeting- 8th may
facebook ads- audience targeting and custom audience-9th may
facebook ads- custom audience- remarketing list creation- 11th may
fb ads-automation for ad copies-scheduling of campaigns- 12th may
fb ads conversion tracking setup - 12th may
fb ads -audience-consolidated at strategy 12th may
fb ads- placement and device targeting strategy 12th may
Facebook lead generation campgain creation and enquirey form creation 15th may
fb lead form-high intent and high volume 16th may
fb leads- where to check 16th may
facebook ads- important metrics and data and programmatic (automation) concepts 16th may
facebook ads url tracking - 18th may
lin kedin and facebook business manager-23rd may
facebook business manager-23rd may
youtube part 25th may
youtube - part 2 --25th may
youtube channel- content ready for organic ranking 26th may
social media content strategy-buyer persona template- content calender 30th may
social media monitoring-and management-zoho social-31st may
zoho social-content management-content creation-chatgpt-canva-lumen5-content recreation
Create New Facebook Business Manager- Why Facebook Business Manager is important- Content Curation tools - Zoho Social Searcher 31st may
canva image creation-1st june
lumen 5 video creation tool -social searcher (social monitoring tool) 1st june
social media assignment- 2nd june
Ideas to create ad copy- facebook ads manager (assignment solving tips )
organic marketing-5th june
adnetworks basic-display ads- adserver 10th june
organic traffic strategy- microinfluencer 8th june
facebook open graph 8th juune
adnetworks-adense understanding and adserver introduction 8th june
adserver implementation 9th june
adserver part 2 -12th june
wordpress introduction and setup- 13th june
wordpress page design using elementor- copying from other sites- 14th june
wordpress page design - elementor-margin padding duplicate 15th june
wordpress elementor- part 2 15th june
elementor page design-responsive design-fixed elements 16th june
elementor page design-using inbuilt tempaltes- 26th june
web page creation through elementor templates
wp forms-creation part 1- 27th june
understanding url tracking part 1- 28th june
understanding url tracking-part 2- 28th june
wp-forms-url data capturing part 1- 28th june
wordpress-forms-part2-30th june
cro-dynamic content personalisation tool for website- ifso- 3rd july
CRO tool- Justuno - 4th july
google tag manager setup- ga4 setup -6th july
google tag manager and ga4 common errors-7th july
google tag manager concept 7th july
url data capturing in GTM and GA4-7th july
gtm popup form submission tracking 10th july
google tag manager- thankyou page tracking - section read tracking-button click tracking - 11th july
gtm-scroll depth tracking 13th july
gtm-click to call button tracking-whatsapp click tracking- 14th july
gtm-whatsapp click tracking 14th july
GA4 custom fields creation , metrics and dimension creation-18th July
google analytics-dimensions and metrics-19th july
SEO- on page basics and fundamental (Important)- 24th feb - understanding page intent - orphan and wired pages-20th july
SEO- page template-content structure- 21st
content reation- seo- 24th july
seo page-keyword research -title- description-url setting 25th july
seo on page implementation- heading tags 27th july
seo image tag optimisation 28th july
seo on page internal anchor tag optimisation 28th july
seo internal tag optimisation 28th july
seo-template-robots-txt-noindex- 31st july
multilingual-multiregional- seo-1st aug
seo off page fundamentals- 2nd aug
seo off page- part 2- 3rd aug
seo off page-competitor backlinks check 4th aug
google searchg console installation- 7th aug
email-marketing-part 1-seninblue- 8th aug
google search console - interpretation- 9th aug
email marketing automation part 2 - sendin blue birthday automation, website activity automation: -10th aug
email marketing automation part 3-sendinblue: email acitivity - 11th aug-14th-15th aug
digital marketing funnel fundamentals- part 1 17th aug
Fundamental Understanding of Discount, Cashback,Wallet,Loyalty Points,Coupons, Addon Products, Third Party Subsidisation as means to increase CRO (Important) 18th aug
google ads account creation-mcc setup-21st aug
Adwords keyword strategy and ad copy explanation-22nd August
google-ads-understanding budget-24th august
google ads-scheduling and bid adjustments
google ads-search campaign- bidding concept explained (very important)- 24th august
Adwords campgain creation steps till ad copy creation - 25th August
google ads campaign optimisation-bid adjustments-device, gender-demographics-quality score optimisation- Dynamic keyword insertions , different ad copy for different ad groups-28th aug
creating bulk campaigns and renaming them- 29th aug
multiple campaign copy-29th aug
google ads bulk editing 31st aug
bulk editing-age-gender-ad copies in multiple adgroups - 31st aug
google ads impression share metrics-important- 1st sept
google ads automation concept explained (important)-1st sept
google ads automation concept explained (important)-1st sept
google ads url tracking- 5th sept
google ads- Dynamic search ads 6th sept
google ads- A/B testing 6th sept
google ads-search campaign data analysis- what to track- 6th sept
Display Ads - Horizontal And Vertical Website - Placement and Placement + Keywords
Remarketing Campgain - List creation -campgain creation -13th september
google display ads- recap all concepts- custom segment( important)12th sept
google display ads - bidding and ad copy concept - 12th sept
display ads - device targeting (mobile app exclusion) 12th sept
remarketing list from MCC-12th sept
audience optimisation (important) 12th sept
RLSA-14th sept
15th sept - live assingment creation part 1
youtube video ads-20th sept
conversion tracking setup- 20th sept
discovery ads
Understanding Marketing Funnel Fundamentals-26th sept
faceboook business page settings-messenger automation for facebook and insta business-28th sept
facebook ads manager fundamentals-part 1- 29th sept
facebook ads-objectives-and goal optimisation concept and bid strategy (important) 29th sept
facebook ads bid strategy part 2- 3rd oct
facebook ads bid strategy part 3- bid control and cost per result goal 3rd oct
fb ads-budgeting and location explained- 4th oct
fb ads targeting-audience-narrow down-4th oct
fb ads understanding targeting and multiple placements-5th oct
facebook ads remarketring- 9th oct
faceboook ads-targeting summary-10th oct
facebook ads lead form and bulk editing-10th oct
fb ads-remarketing and conversion tracking pixel-12th oct
fb ads- ad scheduling through automation rules-12th oct
fb ads-conversions tracking setup and event creation
fb ads url tracking-13th oct
fb ads reports and data-13th oct
fb ads understanding budget at campaign level and adset level-17th oct
fb ads automation understanding (improtant) 17th oct
fb ads A/B testing concept and strategy-17th oct
facebook business manager for business- 17th oct
social media marketing-content curation and social media management- zoho social-19th oct
social media content curation-zoho social and recreation- 20th oct
linkedin ads part 1- objectives, targeting-23rd oct
linkedin ads lead generation form targeting 26th oct
linkedin ads remarketing setup and list creation 26th oct
linkedin ads-data analysis- 27th oct
hashtag marketing-organic ways-27th oct
youtube part 1 30th may
youtube - part 2 30th oct
influencer marketing-organic marketing 31st oct
email-marketing-part 1-seninblue-2nd nov
email marketing automation part 2 - sendin blue birthday automation, website activity automation: 3rd -7th nov
email marketing automation part 3-sendinblue: email acitivity - 3rd nov
wordpress page design using elementor- copying from other sites- 14th and 16th november
wordpress page design - elementor-margin padding 16th november
wordpresss-forms-data capturing from url-data parsing to url from forms-17th nov
excel using chatgpt-url tracking template-concatinate and search function 21st nov
CRO-how tools work-setting up popups on justuno(important)- 23rd nov
dynamic content personalization (important)- 24th nov
woocommerce setup and product addition-27th november
google tag manager and google analytics setup-28th nov
google analytics and google tag manager-metrics-dimensions-fundamentals- 29th nov
gtm-ga4 linking 30th nov
ga4-tag setup- enabling data capturing from url-30th nov
online batch - 1st dec
GTM- button click tracking 7th dec
gtm-scroll depth tracking -4th dec
GTM button click tracking - click to call button tracking 11th dec
whatsapp click to call tracking 12th dec
form submission tracking in GTM - 13th dec
google ads conversion tracking in gtm- 13th dec
GTM- Video view -pop up form , thank you page , buttonclick -14th dec
gtm-data layer variables and custom events-15th dec
ecommerce tracking in gtm 18th dec
google tag manager content grouping-19th dec
google analytics data - 19th dec
seo- how search engine works- important- 21st dec
seo concept orhpan page and content strategy 22nd dec
seo on page part 1 seo page creation 26th dec
seo on page implementation keyword research title tags and heading tags -28th dec
seo-image tag optimisation internal anchor tag -29th dec
seo on page 2nd jan
seo off page fundamentals- 4th jan
seo off page-competitor backlinks check 8th jan
google search console installation- 9th jan
google search console - interpretation- 10th jan
seo audit and xml sitemap 11th jan
seo for ecommerce - 12th jan
ga4 reports 16th jan
wordpress menu themes 15th jan
marketing funnel 2- 19th jan
google ads account creation-23rd jan
google ads keywords concept-25th jan
google ads keyword planner 25th jan
google ads ad copy creation -bulk ad copy pasting and quality score- 30th jan
google ads ad copy
google ads optimisation strategy-adcopy-location-schedule-age-gender-bid adjustment 1st feb
negative keywords- 2nd feb
impression share metrics-2nd feb (important)
create duplicate campaigns-copy and paste 2nd feb
dynamic search ad- 5th feb
google ads conversion tracking setup- 6th feb
google ads url tracking setup (important)-8th feb.mp4
google ads-experiment creation (AB testing)-9th feb
adwords start to end - 12th feb
google ads bulk editing-15th feb
understanding targeting -keyword-placement-custom intent in Display and video campaign 16th feb
display ad campaign creation- complete start to end- 19th feb
video ads -complete--keyword-placemtn-custom intent-remarketing-20th feb
RLSA- important-20th feb.mp4
google ads excluding low quality traffic from search campaigns.mp4
adserver concepts And understanding of programmatic-21st feb
adserver part 2- setting up operations- 22nd feb.mp4
adserver part 2- 23rd feb
fb ads manager-part 1-objectives-budget-location-27th feb
facebook ads-remarketing-audience targeting-placement-lead form 1st march.mp4
facebook ads-bidding strategy and objectives-important-4th march
fb-ads-understanding facebook metrics-5th march
facebook start to end -bulk editting -6th march
canva-editing for videos creation-8th march
facebook ads-automation rules-8th march (important)
url tracking facebook 11th march
fb and instagram-messenger automation-12th march
facebook ads remarketing-A-B testing-14th feb
facebook audience insights-14th march
zoho social -social media management and content curation-social searcher-14th march
social media content curation-15th march
youtube -18th March
wprdpress intro-elementor setup- 21st march
linkedin-19th march
wordpress-introduction and login-22nd march(2024)
wordpress elements-understanding-22nd march
wordpress page design-copying design--responsvoe design-22nd march
wordpress page design-copy from other website-responsive design-setting global colour and typography-26th march.mp4
wordpress-website forms-part1- 28th march
wordptress forms -data from url-wpforms-1st april
elementor forms concept of hidden fields-data from and to url- 1st april
how digital marketing tools work-3rd april(important)
CRO-conversion rate optimisation tool-ifso- 3rd april
CRO-how tools work-setting up popups on justuno(important)
CRO- Just uno- 4th april
zohho sales IQ - live chat on website - 5th april
google tag manager setup and introduction-google analytics setup-8th april
ga4 gtm setup- april-scrol depth tag- from other batch april.mp4
google tag manager-variable-events-parameters-data -dimension and metrics---important- 10th april
digital marketing strategy-special session-9th april.mp4
data capturing from url-12th april
google tag manager-scroll tracking-element read tracking-15th april
form submission tracking in GTM - 15th april
gtm-scroll depth tracking -15th april
button click tracking-by click url -17th april.mp4
button click tracking through element click and device tracking-explanation and setup-18th april
button click tracking through element click and device tracking-explanation and setup-implementation by students-18th april
seo on page- understand strategy- how google works-indexing-intent pages-important(22nd march).mp4
seo on page-orphan and wired pages concept- content ideas and creation-23rd april
seo page creation-part1 25th april.mp4
seo how to prepare content from other websites and rewrite it-26th april.mp4
seo keyword difficulty and title and url structure- 30th april.mp4
seo url rewriting and redirection and meta description- 1st May.mp4
seo on page- page heading h1 -h2-h3-h4 -h5 --1st may.mp4
seo keyword research-2nd may.mp4
seo on page implementation-2nd may.mp4
seo offline : link building
seo off page strategy-8th may.mp4
email marketing automation part-1 13th may.mp4
email marketing part 1-13th may.mp4
email marketing-part 2 campaign sending-14th may
email marketing automation-16th may.mp4
marketing automation concept- 17th may-website based automation.mp4
google ads intro and account setup-setup starts after 30 mins of video-23rd may
understanding google ads manager account and fundamentals of cpc-cpm-impression-clicks-25th may
cpc-cpm-calculation-google ads keyword match types-27th May
google ads understanding ad copy-27th may
marketing funnel fundamentals- part 1- 30th may
marketing funnel fundamentals-part 2-understanding discount-cashback-loyalty-30th may.mp4
google ads -start to end till ad copy 3st May
search campaign creation steps-ad copy creation- scheduling and bid adjsutments-3rd June.mp4
understanding concept of bid adjustment for device,age,gender and demographcis exclusions-6th june
understanding concept of quality score-ad rank-adcopy editing-6th june
quality score-bidstrategy(important)-experiment creation(important)-7th june
understanding all important data and metrics for automation- impression share metrics(important)-10th june
google ads-automation creation-and understanding metrics-11th june
dynamic search ads -creation and logic -how it works-13th june
dynamic search ads creation steps-quick view-13th june
dynamic search ads-why -when-13th june
Bulk Editting google ads-14th June
google ads url tracking part 1-18th june
google ads url tracking part 2
google ads url tracking part 3-18th june
google ads -how to optimise campaigns-data analysis and metrics (important)-19th june
display ads -targeting strategy -20th june
Video ads targeting strategy-20th june
remarketing concept-for display and video and search-21st june
understanding remarketing list for search ads 21st june
excluding remarketing list from search campaigns-21st june
Conversion Tracking ----24th June
video ads
fb page settings-content management-automating chats and messages on fb and insta- 26th june
understanding paid ads terminology- facebook ads manager-26th june
facebook ads-bidding strategy-28th june
facebook ads-bidding-1st july
facebook ads-targeting(understanding)-audience-use of 1st july
audience targeting-narrow audience-remarketing list-2nd july
Ai image generation for social media -4th july
understanding wudience targeting -different types- 4th july (known and unknow audience--data targeting)
custom audience-remarketing-data-lookalike audience- 4th july
setting up A/B test in fab ads- 9th july
creating duplicate ad sets-9th july
understanding budgeting concept at campaign and adset- what to create campaign or adset- 9th juy
creating duplicate adsets and duplicate vs A/B test understanding-9th july
facebook ads-understanding data terms (important)-11th july
fb ads automation(programmatic)- part 1( 11th july)
facebook concept fo programmatic ads-automation-12th july
remarketing-setup-lookalike-audience-custom conversion-15th july
fb-custom conversions-business manager-16th july
fb-ads-url-tracking-18th july
facebook and instagram-automation-18th july
linkedin ads understanding -target audience-23rd july
linkedin understanding-basic terminologies of paid ads understanding-22nd july
linkedin ads-target audience-23rd july
linkedin sales navigator-(from sunday batch)
linkedin audience targeting-adformats-objective-26th
linkedin- forms and lead generation- remarketing-29 th july
social media monitoring-content-curation-30th july
content-identification-curation-creation-video(lumen 5, invideo)-1st aug
influencer marketing tool-track and identify influencer-2nd aug
text to audio-mixing video and audio files in canva-2nd august
youtube-part 1 - channel fundamentals-identify video topics -5th aug
Youtube video optimisation- 6th august
Google My Business -8th Aug
digital marketing funnel-calculation-9th august
organic marketing concept-20th aug
campaign analysis-20th aug
wordpress page design-22nd august
webpage design-carousal-tabs-fonts-colour-23rd august
web page design-saving template-copy-duplicate-responsive design-fix element-click to call-click to whatsapp-26th august
whatsapp click to chat with url tracking-28th aug
how to pass url parametrs from one page to other-creating form for website-28th august
capturing data from url in forms-generating submission id and redirecting thank you page(important)-30th august
canva text to voice adding to video( for reference)
youtube video optimisation-title-description-timestamp-other settings
website form essentials-2nd sept
understanding how all dm tools work-(important)-2nd sept
just uno popup tool(multiple conditions)- cro- 3rd sept
justuno-popup-conditions-implementation-different types-5th sept
sharing-every skill learnt and every tools in linkedin for personal branding-6th sept
dynamic content personalisation- ifso plugin- 6th sept
ifso dynamic content personalisation-understanding all rules-9th sept
zoho sales iq-setup and live chat and call integration-11th sept
how to download page from one wordpress to add to other wordpress-12th sept
Understanding live chat - triggers -12th sept
setting up chatbot in zoho - 12th sept
creating zobot for website-13th sept
Going live with zobot- 13th sept
understanding data-dimensions-metrics-setup gtm and ga4-18th sept
tag manager setup and analytics setup recap-19th sept
understanding tag manager events-parameters-variables-builtin variables-trigger- last 20 minutes implementing button click-19th sept
GTM tags-button click-click to call-click to whatsapp-video view-scroll-element read-url data capturing-20th sept
testing all tags-20th sept
gtm-lead form capturing-23rd sept
blog creation steps-identifying topics-charting skeleton-creating blog post -implementation-last 15 minutes-27th sept
creating blog post content and implementing on website- 30th sept
blog design-styling-1st oct
understanding how search engine works- seo part 1
how search engine works-intent based pages (important)-3rd oct
SEO fundamentals recap-orphan and wired pages-content structure-4th oct
creating content and adding content to page-4th oct
keyword research-on page seo-page title-7th oct
seo implementation-onpage-url-heading tags(important)-8th oct
on page seo implementation-image tags-anchor tags-robots-canonical-10th oct
google analytics session-9th oct
country pages for seo- 16th oct
competitor marketing strategy-seo off page fundamentals- 16th oct
seo off page- 15th oct
seo off page-competitor marketing strategy-backlink checker without tool-17th oct
google search console-17th oct
google adsense-21st oct
understanding the concept of media buying- RTB 18th oct
why adserver is needed-revive adserver-21st oct
revive adserver- part 1-advertiser settings- 21st oct
adserver-operation-22nd oct
understanding-how google dv360 works-logic-24th oct
understanding concept of adexchange-bidding-25th oct
google ads account creation- (new interface) jan 2024
google ads assignment
google ads assignment-download
Download Display ad Creative
assignment-search campaign creation-experiment creation-automation setup-27th sept
assignment-display campaign creation-27th sept
assignment-dsa campaign creation 27th sept
assignment-url tracking-negative keywords-billing and payment-
New Adwords Account creation Video
facebook-ads-getting started-buyer-persona-content-understanding funnel-part1
facebook-business manager
facebook-business manager-ad account-pixel-setting remarketing list-customer-data targeting-lookalike-audience-custom conversion-event setup-multiple saved audience-bulk-editing-url tracking-rules-scheduling
facebook ads-understanding data terms (important)
facebook campaign 1
facebook ads campaign 2
facebook assignment -campaign 3
About this course
- $265.00
- 451 lessons
- 374.5 hours of video content