Course curriculum

    1. Digital Marketing Funnel -

    2. Covid Session- Digital Marketing Funnel- part 1

    3. Covid Session- Digital Marketing Funnel- part 2

    4. You can download The excel sheet example of today

    1. Google ads-understanding-where-why-part1

    2. Google ads-understanding-where-why-part2

    3. Google ads-what-account -and-account creation-part3

    4. Google Ads Search Campaign Settings And Bidding Strategy-part-4-19th-march

    5. Google ads Search Campaign Keyword types understanding part 5-20th-march

    6. Google Ads sessions 24th March-keyword planner-bid-adjustment-device-geo-schedule

    7. Google ads Campaign structure logic and implementation (important)-25th March

    8. Google ads understanding quality score and how money is deducted-factors for quality score- 26th March session

    9. Google ads- Ad copy-Adextensions-28th March

    10. Google Ads Data Metrics-Understanding Impression share Metrics-28th March Session

    11. Google ads Display Ads Targeting-custom-intent-remarketing-29th-march-Sunday(Batch)-Evening- Session

    12. Detailed Understanding Of Google Ads Automation Bidding ( very important) 30th March session

    13. Understanding All Search Impression share metrics , Click share and idela CTR-30th march session

    14. Interpreting Google Ads search campaign Data And implementing changes (Important)-31st March

    15. Creating Automation Rule on ad copies In google ads - 31st March

    16. Creating Experiments In Google Ads-31st March

    17. Looking through google search campaign data-search term report, negative keywords, auction insights, extensions data- 2nd April

    18. Creating Automation Rule experiment in search campaign (important)-2nd April

    19. Dynamic Search Ads campaign-2nd April

    20. Identifying Google trends and keyword planner to identify suitable time and location for your Search campaigns 4th april

    21. Using excel sheets in google ads and customising landing pages for keywords 4th april

    22. Google ads customisation landing pages for keywords-part 2- 4th april

    23. Google ads Display Ads- Targeting-Part 1- 7th April

    24. Display Ads -targeting and custom Intent targeting

    25. Display ads remarketing explained from scratch-10th April

    26. Google ads Remarketing List Creation, upload data, custom combination audience 11th april

    27. (very important)Google Ads Remarketing campaign creation and Remarketing Search Campaign RLSA- 11th April

    28. Remarketing assignment-11th april

    29. remarketing campaign explained 12thapril

    30. 12th April Remarketing Assignment solved

    31. facebook- page-business-manager

    32. Youtube ads-fundamentals and targeting

    33. youtube custom intent campaign analysis and Display ads-custom-intent-Mobile Application Exclusions-16th-april

    34. Data analysis display campaign and youtube campaign

    35. creating experiments in video campaigns-20th april

    1. facebook-ads-business-manager-creation-part1

    2. Facebook ds -ad-accounts-campaign-goals-understanding

    3. Understanding Facebook Ads Objectives And Conversion Setup 19th March

    4. Facebook ads targetigng and bidding strategies 20th March

    5. facebook live startegy-multiple-campaigns-creation-and-strategy-remarketing-list-creation-24th March- social media video starts after 2 hrs

    6. Facebook Custom Audience-Data-remarketing-creating-Lead-Form-submissions-understanding-fields-in-forms-25th-March-Session

    7. Facebook Video Viewers audience creation and Automation Rules-26th March

    8. facebook live video and real time engagement-28th march

    9. facebook lookalike audience 28th March

    10. facebook ads canvas and whatsapp landing page and facebook ads data 28th March

    11. Facebook website analytics and competitor facebook content mapping-30th march

    12. Facebook website analytics and competitor facebook content mapping-30th march

    13. facebook ads canvas and whatsapp landing page and facebook ads data 28th March

    14. Competitor Engaged Audience analysis 30th march

    15. facebook ads objective-targeting-facebook ads boost Vs ads manager campaigns 16th April

    16. Buyer Persona Template 18th april

    17. buyer persona creation-competitor pages audience analysis and ads copy message

    18. Facebook Remarketing part 1-24th april

    19. Facebook Remarketing Part 2 - Data Targeting- 24th April

    20. Facebook remarketing part3- website traffic- pixel setup -strategy and list creation-25th april

    21. Fcebook-lead-generation campaign creation strategy and implementation. Example Restaurant- 22nd April

    22. Facebook Automation Part 1-How to use automation and important metrices for Automation-27th April

    23. Facebook Automation Part 2-setting multiple rules-27th April

    24. Facebook Campaign Creation- in the session

    1. How Search Engines work and respond

    2. SEO-website-page-structure-orphan-wired-pages-seo-part2-19th-march

    3. SEO-content-startegy-keyword-identification-on-pagebeginning-part3-20th-march

    4. SEO On page implementation- title-url-heading-tags-24th-march

    5. SEO On page Implementation 25th March

    6. SEO Off page Fundamentals-part1- 26th March

    7. SEO Off page template and types of SEO- 30th March

    8. SEO off page and google search operators 30th march

    9. SEO On Page technical-Robots.txt-canonical-31st-march

    10. Blogging For SEO- 2nd April

    11. Multilingual -Multiregional SEO- 2nd -April

    12. Template SEO-part1-1st April

    13. Template SEO Part2-1st April

    14. Blogging For SEO- 2nd April

    15. multilingual and multiregional seo-2nd april

    1. What is Tag Manager and Basic

    2. Button Click, Scroll, Video View Track and Create Goal, And Create Audience.

    1. Analytics Basic, Admin Section and Audience Report

    2. Audience Reports, Acquisition & Behavior Report

    3. Conversion Report

About this course

  • $50.00
  • 179 lessons
  • 137.5 hours of video content
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