Course curriculum

    1. ga4-gtm-setup on website- 26th august

    2. google tag manager-scroll tracking-element read tracking-3rd september

    3. google tag manager for ecommerce - 10th sept

    4. GTM- Video view -pop up form , thank you page , buttonclick -17th september

    5. url data capturing in GTM and GA4-24th sept

    6. gtm-click to call button tracking-whatsapp click tracking- 24th sept

    7. GA4 custom fields creation , metrics and dimension creation-24th sept

    8. Copy of google analytics-reports- 1st oct

    9. ga4- gtm setup- 15th oct 2-30 pm

    10. creating custom url paramegters capturing in GA4- tracking any particular section read or not in ga4-22oct

    11. GA4- Data troubleshooting 22oct

    12. GTM-lead tracking-thank you and success message-button click tracking 29th oct

    13. ga4-whatsapp button click tracking-click to cal tracking-capturing google analytics device id of user-data layer tracking-ecommerce tracking- 5th november

    14. creating custom dimensions and metrics in ga4-setting conversion in ga4- 19th nov

    15. ga4-gtm setup -scrolldepth-element read- button click 24th feb

    16. button click-to call on mobile-link clicks -telephone call-whatsapp call-pdf tracking- form fields click tracking-28th feb

    17. fb ads-google ads conversion tracking setup through gtm-2nd march.mp4

    18. ecommerce tracking google tag manager- 9th march

    19. google tag manager-1st session 23rd march 2024

    20. google tag manager-understanding events -parameters-inbuilt variables-pdf download-click url-element visibility tracking-30th march.mp4

    21. google tag manager- lead capturing event- click to call-whatsapp-popup-success-thank-you page-data capturing from url 6th april .mp4

    22. GTM-click text-click url-conversion setup in google ads-13th april.mp4

    23. ga4 gtm-basic understanding part 1 (only sunday) -21st april.mp4

    24. ga4-gtm setup-21st april(sunday batch).mp4

    25. ga4 setup and scroll depth - 21st april(sunday batch).mp4

    26. ga4 segment creation for google ads remarketing-form fields tracking-20th april

    27. data layer concept-ecommerce data tracking in GTM and GA4- regex tables-custom events in GTM-20th april-saturady batch

    28. google tag manager- button click- faq-click to call-click to whatsapp-click to pdf-element click-popup form submission-28th april

    29. google tag manager-button clicks-28th april

    30. custom dimensions and metrics in google analytics 4- setting conditional triggers for url conditions-4th may.mp4

    31. analytics data-custome reports-segments-4th may.mp4

    32. popup-form-submission-thank-you-page-data-capturing from url-data from thankyoupage-5th may.mp4

    33. understanding-dimensions metrics variable tags triggers and parameters in GTM-9th May.mp4

    34. gtm-ga4-questions-12th may saturday batch.mp4

    35. gtm-ecommerce-introduction custom events-15th may

    36. gtm-ecommerce-setup-allevents-15th may

    37. ecommerce data tracking and -url parameters capture-19th may

    38. google analytics-capturing lead form id in ga4-and capturing google analytics user cookie-19th may

    39. data-representation in google analytics 4- 19th may

    40. all click tracking-GTM-1st june

    41. GTM-element read-success message-video view-scroll-depth-custom dimension and metrics-11th june

    42. creating segments in google analytics and linkedin with google ads for remarketing-11th june

    43. google tag manager setup-analytics setup-scroll tracking-button clicks-click to call-whatsapp click(implementation)-11th nov

    44. button click tracking-multiple methods-10th nov

    45. google ads call from website tracking through GTM-how call tracking works 10th nov

    46. form submission tracking in gtm and ga4-10th nov

    47. form submission tracking in ga4-10th nov

    48. Copy of url data capturing in GTM and GA4-18th nov

    49. data layer concept for ecommerce and others-23rd nov

    50. ecommerce tags-user device id capture-24th nov

    51. google ads enhanced conversion tracking and identifying device in gtm - 8th dec

    52. tag firing using two different triggers - use of lookup and regex table- 15th dec

About this course

  • $65.00
  • 52 lessons
  • 63 hours of video content